Emergency numbers in Europe

The numbers shown below, were printed in the July 2002 ADAC magazine. ( ADAC is comparable with the RAC in the UK).

Country Ambulance Police
Austria 144 133
Belgium 100 101
Bulgaria 150 160
Croatia 94 92
Czekoslovakia 155 158
Denmark 112 112
Finland 112 112
France 17 17
Germany 112 112
Greece 166*/151** 100
Holland 112 112
Hungary 104 107
Ireland 999/112 *** 999/112 ***
Italy 118 112
Jugoslavia 94 92
Luxemburg 112 113
Norway 113 112
Poland 999 997
Portugal 112 112
Rumania 961 9551
Spain 061 112
Sweden 112 112
Switzerland 112 112
Turkey 112 155
UK 999/112 *** 999/112***

* - Only in large cities
** - Outside large cities
*** - Either/or

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